Our committee work

Only those who are expert in their fields can credibly formulate concerns and convey them to the policy-makers and to the general public. That is why the BDI is supported in its work by the expertise of numerous committees, working groups and working parties.

These bodies include representatives from enterprises of all sizes and widely differing branches of industry.  Each of them is nominated by the BDI members (trade associations) and consult, sometimes controversially, on what might be the concrete concern, and what could be the best solution.

Over 1,000 men and women, committed and equipped with expert knowledge, work on a voluntary basis in the committees, working groups and working parties of the BDI. They ensure

  • that current issues of economic and social policy are tackled and answers are found in a constructive exchange of views
  • that the whole range of industry is represented, however wide it may be, and that ultimately a “common voice” emerges. It is only the committees that can officially decide the positions that the BDI offers to the politicians and the public in a selective manne
  • that the result establishes agreement between business practice and the economic policy positions of the BDI.

For the government and parliament in Germany – and equally for those engaged in policy-making in Europe and beyond – the BDI provides a reliable sounding board which enables initiatives, projects and decisions of all kinds to be scrutinized at the earliest possible stage to check their viability in day-to-day business practice.

For the general public the BDI offers a voice on economic policy which is committed to advocating free enterprise, unimpeded competition and social balance. The compass guiding all of its activities is provided by the principles of the social market economy.