European Parliament elections: “Europe needs a growth plan now”

Tanja Gönner, BDI Managing Director, on the outcome of the European Parliament elections: “Europe needs a growth plan now”

“Europe must maintain its ability to act. It is encouraging to see that pro-European parties still constitute the majority in the European Parliament. Members of the European Parliament must now take responsibility and quickly agree on a strong leadership team with a growth plan for Europe. 

The increase of right-wing populist MEPs is a concerning signal. This means that the proportion of those who, like us, want to shape and strengthen Europe, is shrinking. Eurosceptical parties jeopardise social cohesion and prosperity. 

Europe’s industrial competitiveness must be a top priority in the coming legislative period. The new EU parliament must better reconcile environmental concerns with the competitiveness of European companies. We must give greater consideration to important economic policy issues, including the completion of the Single Market, the conclusion of free trade agreements and the reduction of bureaucracy.”