©Vinicius Amano/Unsplash

Resource efficiency: the situation is becoming greener

A quiet revolution is coming up to speed: the constant growth of resource efficiency. German industry makes a decisive contribution to a sustainable and closed-loop use of raw materials with innovative technologies and products.

Transformation Paths for Germany as an Industrial Nation

Electrolysers: The heart of hydrogen production

With solar power: parcel logistics on the water

Hydrogen instead of coal: Steel production goes green

Full speed ahead toward climate neutrality

Battery recycling: Full power for e-mobility and energy transition

On the way to climate-neutral cement production: closing carbon cycles

HySupply: German-Australian Feasibility Study of Hydrogen

BDI and acatech travel Down Under for hydrogen ramp-up

CO2 Border Adjustment Mechanism

New Space is becoming increasingly important for German industry

With hydrogen into a new energy age

Electromobility – the future is now

E-Fuels: CO2-neutral fuels of the future

Roadmap to a Circular Economy

Climate Paths 2.0 – How to make our industrial country climate neutral

Climate Paths 2.0 – Departure to the Climate-Future

From the North Sea into space: the dawn of a new era in European spaceflight

Ecodesign: products should become even more energy and resource efficient

Technology openness for product policy

Bring economy and ecology into line with each other

Legal and planning certainty for operators of industrial installations

Resource efficiency in the circular economy

Technology law and substance policy – safety for employees and consumers

Energy efficiency in buildings: the key to climate protection