Yokohama, China © Pixabay/megurawa
Milestone in the China Debate: BDI Presents Strategic Position Paper
For a long time, it looked as if China would gradually adopt the market economy model by integrating into the global trading system. However, it has become clear in recent years that the country is, in fact, consolidating its own state-influenced economic model. Because Chinese companies are becoming more and more active on global markets and the country is increasingly emerging as a major player in shaping the global economic order, the significance of this development goes beyond China’s own markets. The Chinese state-controlled “hybrid economy” and the model of the open-market economy are now locked into a serious competition.
The BDI position paper draws attention to this new state of affairs and points to possible solutions. At the same time, we emphasize that dialogue and close cooperation with China remain desirable. The close economic partnership continues to be a high priority.
What are the Remedies Proposed by BDI?
The BDI position paper formulates more than 50 recommendations for policymakers in Germany and Europe. These are divided into four central propositions: first, the strengthening of competitiveness in Germany and Europe; second, a strong and unified EU; third, effective instruments to safeguard the market-based economic order, and fourth, closer international cooperation with like-minded partners.