
Technology openness for product policy

Companies improve the environment- and climate-related properties of their products along their entire lifecycle through constant innovation and inform consumers and, in the case of precursors and intermediate products, industrial customers accordingly using customised instruments

The ever fiercer pressure of global competition is just as much a driver of this as increasing environmental awareness among consumers. BDI therefore deploys efforts to ensure that the necessary leeway for innovation by companies is maintained and developed.

This is all the more necessary because an ever more closely woven web of statutory rules on product design is already encroaching into the fundamental sphere of business competence and it is important to prevent innovations for the further improvement of ecological design of products and services ultimately being impeded.

Environmental product properties desired by the legislator should not be tied to concrete requirements on production processes and other details such as what materials are used but essentially technology-open. Environment and consumers will be best and most efficiently served in this way.