Day of Industry 2021 in Berlin © BDI
The Federation of German Industries (BDI)
Germany's economy is based on a strong industrial core. Its success hinges on deep-rooted industrial value chains with more than 100,000 large, medium-sized and small companies from all sectors of the manufacturing industry, which together employ more than eight million people.
Industrialized Country
The challenges for Germany to remain an industrialized country are enormous - nothing less than our competitiveness is at stake. Competitive advantages must be constantly regained on the markets, and competitive disadvantages must also be constantly reduced - an ongoing task for politics and business. In the future, we seek to be a climate-neutral industrialized country that makes better use of the opportunities offered by digitization and expedites approval and planning processes to allow our entrepreneurs more security in their decision-making.
Export-Oriented Country
We need modern, sustainable free trade that serves people in our country as well as in all other parts of the world. As Europe's largest trading nation, we must lead the way while a sovereign Europe seeks responsible trade and investment agreements committed to sustainability, which bring us closer to the goal of a level playing field.
Innovative Country
Our innovative capacity secures our outstanding position in international competition. Here, our focus is on opportunities, not risks. In Germany, a land of innovation, 70 percent of innovative output is generated within companies. To keep it that way, companies need freedom and the right framework: that is, in addition to Industry 4.0, an Administration 4.0 that works efficiently and digitally.
Germany as an industrial location must become a place of the future,
- that creates planning and investment security for companies and citizens;
- that offers research and innovation the necessary freedom;
- that solves the challenges of climate change through technological ingenuity;
- that uses digitization as an opportunity for value creation and prosperity;
- and that strengthens Europe's sovereignty and competitiveness in a global world.