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A new growth plan for a sustainable Europe

Strong industry. Strong Europe.

Europe is under enormous pressure. Expensive energy, paralysing bureaucracy and meagre growth are one thing. International crises, fierce competition between business locations and threats to democracy and freedom are another. The to-do list for the new EU legislative period is long and complex. Strong companies are needed to master the challenges. They will manage the transformation and ensure employment, innovation, and competition.

Our appeal is therefore: #PowerUpEurope with a new European growth plan. Only with a political agenda that focusses on economic strength, will we, as Europeans, be able to hold our own in global competition. We are convinced: More Europe but done right! This is what we are campaigning for in the election year for the European Parliament.

Click here for our recommendations on what is important in the new European legislative period 2024 - 2029.

Making Europe strong - with a competitive industry

The industry wants to turn Europe back into a continent of opportunity and growth. To achieve this, three things will be crucial over the next five years: We Europeans must secure our role in the new global world order, defend our values, and assert ourselves in the global competition between locations. We can only master these challenges with a political agenda that focuses on our economic strength. Read our recommendations on how Europe can find new strength.