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Making Europe stronger through bilateral collaboration

The foundation of prosperity in Germany is a politically strong and competitive EU. The European single market is the domestic market of German companies. Looking forward, political and economic cooperation among EU member countries must be intensified not only in Brussels but also on a bilateral and multilateral level. We at the BDI work closely together with our partners to make Europe stronger and mould the environment for stable economic growth in Germany.

Transatlantic Cooperation: A Progress Report from the TTC

roboter and human shake hands

German-Dutch innovation and technology pact

Technicians assemble units

Switzerland: Hard times for relations with close partner


Energie und Klima

EU summit: Industry warns against hasty reactions


BDI President Siegfried Russwurm comments on the upcoming EU summit: "German industry warns the European community of states against hasty reactions with incalculable consequences in the further handling of sanctions."


Economic Cooperation between Germany and America needs new impulses


Transatlantic Business Initiative (TBI) publishes four impulse papers for stronger transatlantic cooperation on trade, climate, digital, and finance.


German-Australian hydrogen project "HySupply" launched


A team of leading German and Australian experts will investigate how the value chain for renewable hydrogen between two industrialized countries can be realized. The findings from this study are expected to be an important step towards the development of a global hydrogen market.
